Stuff I Collect!
Hover over pictures for more information!
![Kitty! I got her from my boyfriend on our first date!](Kitty.jpg)
![I got Squirtle myself on the same first date in an arcade store and then my boyfriend got me the other two a little while later! :D](Squirtle Pikachu and Sylveon.jpg)
![Bait from The Dragon Prince is from Hot Topic and Bulbasaur is from a Build a Bear event at my college :3 He's a little deflated because I didn't have enough stuffing hehe](Bait and Bulbasaur.jpg)
![The one on the left has gone by many names, so they don't really have a stable one rn, but the one on the right is named Terry and he's one of my favorites!!](Flippy and Terry.jpg)
Pokemon Cards!
My cards in my binders irl are organized into 3 categories: Special cards, trainer and energy cards, and regular/uncommon cards so that's how I'll organize this section!
Note: Promo cards that are basically the same as each other besides being numbered differently will only be listed once regardless of how many in the set I have
Regular/Uncommon Cards
![Hoothoot | Common | Burning Shadows | 106/147](BSHH.png)
![Stufful | Common | Burning Shadows | 110/147](BSSTFFL.png)
![Staravia | Uncommon | Crimson Invasion | 82/111](CISTRVA.png)
![Bunnelby | Common | Crimson Invasion | 87/111](CIBNNBY.png)
![Diggersby | Uncommon | Crimson Invasion | 88/111](CIDIGGBY.png)
![Starly | Common | Crimson Invasion | 81/111](CISTRLY.png)
![Eevee | Common | Crimson Invasion | 104/138](UPEV.png)
![Patrat | Common | Guardians Rising | 107/145](GRPR.png)
![Farfetch'd | Uncommon | Team Up | 127/181](TUFF.png)
![Totodile | Common | Shining Legends | 18/73](SLTD.png)
![Piplup | Common | Ultra Prism | 32/138](UPPL.png)
![Prinplup | Uncommon | Ultra Prism | 33/138](UPPRL.png)
![Alolan Sandshrew | Common | Guardians Rising | 19/145](GRASS.png)
![Shellos | Common | Crimson Invasion | 29/111](CISH.png)
![Alolan Vulpix | Common | Guardians Rising | 21/145](GRAVP.png)
![Doduo | Common | Generations | 55/83](GDD.png)
![Minccino | Common | Fates Collide | 86/124](FCMCO.png)
![Bunnelby | Common | Rebel Clash | 146/192](RCBNNBY.png)
![Oddish | Common | Burning Shadows | 4/147](BSODD.png)
![Gloom | Uncommon | Burning Shadows | 5/147](BSGLM.png)
![Bellsprout | Common | Gym Heroes 76 | 76/132](GH76EB.jpg)
![Skiddo | Common | Crimson Invasion | 10/111](CISKDO.png)
![Shroomish | Common | Furious Fists | 6/111](FFSHRM.png)
![Pineco | Common | Flashfire | 4/106](FLFPNCO.png)
![Hoppip | Common | Steam Siege | 3/114](SSHPP.png)
![Caterpie | Common | Hidden Fates | 1/68](HFCP.png)
![Metapod | Uncommon | Hidden Fates | 2/68](HFMPD.png)
![Paras | Common | Hidden Fates | 4/68](HFPRS.png)
![Scyther | Uncommon | Hidden Fates | 5/68](HFSCTR.png)
![Phantump | Common | Rebel Clash | 14/192](RCPHTP.png)
![Jigglypuff | Common | Crimson Invasion | 71/111](CIJGPF.png)
![Togepi | Common | Roaring Skies | 43/108](RSTGP.png)
![Dedenne | Common | Phantom Forces | 70/119](PFDDE.png)
![Jigglypuff | Common | Hidden Fates | 41/68](HFJGPF.png)
![Clefairy | Common | Hidden Fates | 38/68](HFCLFY.png)
![Chimchar | Common | Steam Siege | 18/114](SSCHCH.png)
![Torkoal | Common | Shining Legends | 11/73](SLTK.png)
![Ponyta | Common | Team Up | 17/181](TUPNT.png)
![Rapidash | Uncommon | Team Up | 18/181](TURPD.png)
![Charmander | Common | Team Up | 12/181](TUCHMR.png)
![Charmeleon | Uncommon | Secret Wonders | 46/132](SWCHML.png)
![Heatmor | Uncommon | Rebel Clash | 34/192](RCHM.png)
![Volcarona | Uncommon | Shining Legends | 13/73](SLVLRNA.png)
![Torracat | Common | Shining Legends | 16/73](SLTRCT.png)
![Pikachu | Common | Shining Legends | 28/73](SLPKCH.png)
![Emolga | Uncommon | Crimson Invasion | 35/111](CIEMGA.png)
![Togedemaru | Common | Sun & Moon | 53/149](SMTGD.png)
![Plusle | Common | Shining Legends | 33/73](SLPLE.png)
![Minun | Common | Shining Legends | 34/73](SLMIN.png)
![Voltorb | Common | Hidden Fates | 21/68](HFVOLB.png)
![Electrode | Uncommon | Shining Legends | 31/73](SLELTDE.png)
![Morpeko | Uncommon | Rebel Clash | 73/192](RCMRPK.png)
![Psyduck | Common | Hidden Fates | 11/68](HFPSDK.png)
![Magikarp | Common | Hidden Fates | 15/68](HFMGKP.png)
![Staryu | Common | Hidden Fates | 13/68](HFSTRU.png)
![Tympole | Common | Rebel Clash | 44/192](RCTMPL.png)
![Solrock | Uncommon | Burning Shadows | 69/147](BSSLRK.png)
![Gastrodon | Uncommon | Crimson Invasion | 54/111](CIGSDN.png)
![Sandygast | Common | Sun & Moon | 74/149](SMSDGT.png)
![Kabuto | Uncommon | Fates Collide | 38/124](FCKBT.png)
![Diglett | Common | Fates Collide | 36/124](FCDGLT.png)
![Larvitar | Common | Fates Collide | 40/124](FCLRVR.png)
![Gligar | Common | Roaring Skies | 36/108](RSGLGR.png)
![Galarian Farfetch'd | Common | Rebel Clash | 94/192](RCGFRFH.jpg)
![Jangmo-o | Common | Crimson Invasion | 75/111](CIJMO.png)
![Purrloin | Common | Black & White | 66/114](BWPL.png)
![Impidimp | Common | Rebel Clash | 123/192](RCIPDP.png)
![Masquerain | Uncommon | Rebel Clash | 11/192](RCMSRN.png)
![Sabrina's Drowzee | Common | Gym Heroes | 92/132](GHSD.jpg)
![Sabrina's Gastly | Common | Gym Challenge | 97/132](GCSG2.png)
![Koffing | Common | Fates Collide | 27/124](FCKFF.png)
![Spoink | Common | Fates Collide | 30/124](FCSPK.png)
![Slowpoke | Common | Generations | 32/83](GSP.png)
![Dreepy | Common | Rebel Clash | 89/192](RCDR.png)
![Aron | Common | Crimson Invasion | 65/111](CIAR.png)
![Honedge | Common | Rebel Clash | 133/192](RCHN.png)
![Doublade | Uncommon | Rebel Clash | 134/192](RCDB.png)
Trainer Cards & Energies
![Water Energy | Common | 28/34](WE.png)
![Metal Energy | Common | 33/34](ME.png)
![Double Colorless Energy | Black & White—Next Destinies | Uncommon | 92/99](BWDCE.png)
![Plasma Energy | Black & White—Plasma Storm | Uncommon | 127/135](BWPE.png)
![Hau | Uncommon | Sun & Moon | 120/149](Hau.png)
![Great Ball | Uncommon | Sun & Moon | 119/149](GB.png)
![Big Malasada | Uncommon | Sun & Moon | 114/149](BMS.png)
![Grass Energy | Common | 26/34](GE.png)
![Fairy Energy | Common | 34/34](FE.png)
![Potion | Uncommon | Sun & Moon | 127/149](Potion.png)
![Lightning Energy | XY Trainer Kit - Pikachu Libre & Suicune | 8/30](EEP.jpg)
![Lightning Energy | XY Trainer Kit - Pikachu Libre & Suicune | 9/30](EEP2.jpg)
![Lightning Energy | Gym Challenge | 130/132](GCLE.png)
![Lightning Energy | Base Set 2 | 128/130](BS2LE.png)
![Lightning Energy | Gym Heroes | 130/132](GHLE.jpg)
![Faded Town | Ancient Origins | Uncommon | 73/98](AOFT.png)
![Steelix Spirit Link | Steam Siege | Uncommon | 106/114](SSSSL.png)
![Pokémon Center Lady | Hidden Fates | Uncommon | 64/68](HFPCL.png)
![Cursed Shovel | Rebel Clash | Uncommon | 157/192](RCCS.png)
![Psychic Energy | Team Up | Common](PE.jpg)
![Horror Psychic Energy | Rebel Clash | Uncommon | 172/192](HPE.png)
![Fighting Energy | Sword & Shield | Common](FE 2020.jpg)
![Fighting Energy | Base Set 2 | Common | 125/130](BS2FE.jpg)
![Fighting Energy | Neo Genesis | Common | 106/111](NGFE.png)
![Fighting Energy | BW Trainer Kit - Excadrill & Zoroark | 7/30](ETKFE.png)
![Fighting Energy | Promo](FE 2007.jpg)
![Fighting Energy | Diamond & Pearl | Common | 128/130](DPFE.png)
![Fire Energy | Sword & Shield | Common](FIE.jpg)
![Darkness Energy | BW Trainer Kit - Excadrill & Zoroark | 26/30](BWTKEZ.jpg)
![Darkness Energy | BW Trainer Kit - Excadrill & Zoroark | 8/30](BWTKEZ8.jpg)