
Have a wonderful stay in the core of my mind!


8-6-24: Updated Book Section

7-18-24: Changed "Disclaimer" to "Content Note" on Books Page

5-16-24: Realigned boxes and added the Pillowfort Webring

4-18-24: Fiddled around with the Pokemon Shrine

2-8-24: Updated About Page

2-7-24: Changed Wording in Video Section

12-26-23: Updated Night Vale Video Section

12-21-23: Messed around with coding of Pokemon Shrine in order to fix Topics container

9-11-23: Fixed spacing of containers

8-1-2023: Updated Transing the Internet widget

6-23-2023: Edited wording on About Page

6-7-2023: Slightly changed wording on Books Page and added Unreliable Narrator tags for the books in the Simon Snow series; made tweaks to the look of the Pokemon Shrine trying to get the navigation buttons to work

6-6-2023: Updated the Books Page to include information about Cemetery Boys after I finished reading it; also added disclaimers to the page for difficult topics dealt with in the books

6-1-2023: Updated Video Section

5-12-2023: Added information about my Pokemon Violet playthrough to the Pokemon Shrine; changed how the shrine is organized

5-1-2023: Updated Video Section

4-2-2023: Added Pokemon Cards to Collectables Page

4-1-2023: Removed Yesterweb Web Ring since it's been discontinued, fixed the positioning of the Video and Chat Sections, and updated the Video Section

3-1-2023: Updated Video Section

2-1-2023: Updated Video Section

1-10-2023: Included more information about Beautiful Music for Ugly Children on Books Page

1-1-2023: Updated Video Section

12-19-2022: Updated Video Section

11-30-2022: Updated Video Section

11-14-2022: Started adding the Pokemon cards from my boyfriend to the Collectables Page

10-25-2022: Updated Video Section

10-13-2022: Slightly tweaked wording in the Video Section

10-12-2022: Added new Night Vale Video to the Video Section

10-2-2022: Set up Mainline Games section in the Pokemon Shrine

10-1-2022: Tested out new fonts for the Home page; fixed certain boxes being too high

9-23-2022: Messed around with aesthetics

9-9-2022: Finished adding Trainer Cards & Energies to the Collectables page

9-2-2022: Added Pokemon Cards to Collectables page

8-26-2022: Changed Most Recent Night Vale Video to this month's video

8-20-2022: Added Pokemon Cards to Collectables page

8-18-2022: Added Pokemon Cards to Collectables page; problem from last time seems to be fixed now

8-12-2022: ATTEMPTED to change wording on Shrines page and update sidebar buttons on the Pokemon Shrine page, however my changes aren't showing up even if I hard refresh the page so...

8-8-2022: Added Pokemon Cards to Collectables page

8-4-2022: Added pictures to the Pokemon Shrine Info page

8-3-2022: Added pictures to Nostalgia page; created Pokemon Shrine page: still WIP

8-1-2022: Added Mars' button to the About page and spaced things out for better readability; joined Transing the Internet Webring and put widget in Webrings box; updated appearance of Shrines page

7-31-2022: Joined the Yesterweb Webring and placed the widget in Webrings box

7-29-2022: Added blinkie to homepage; adjusted position of Blinkie box; added Webrings box to homepage; general tidying up

7-28-2022: Updated Shrines page and Most Recent Night Vale Video section

7-27-2022: Gave Shrines page an actual appearance: subject to change; added more Pokemon cards to Collectables page

7-24-2022: Created Shrines page

7-21-2022: Added Stars to Updates box

7-20-2022: Added more Pokemon Cards to Collectables page

7-19-2022: Added more Pokemon Cards to Collectables page

7-18-2022: Spaced out pictures in and started adding images of Pokemon Cards to Collectables page

7-17-2022: Added Most Recent Night Vale Video container on homepage and centered the other containers

7-15-2022: Tidied up About page & added link to Neocities profile; created Guestbook page

7-14-2022: Added decoration to nav buttons; finished the Plushies section of the Collectables page

7-13-2022: Added background image and fiddled with aesthetics

7-11-2022: Added descriptions on the Books page and added a Collectables page

7-3-2022: Added a proper homepage
